Category: Pregnancy (page 4 of 5)

Heavy Feet, My Path to Walking

Stomp, stomp, stomp. “Shhh.. not so loud,” My aunts would warn me. “You have heavy feet.” When I was a wee, little girl, I strutted around our house without a care in the world. I thought I walked like any normal human being, but apparently I was a mini giant in their eyes, trudging along…….

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6 Things To Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant!

Yay! Congratulations your pregnant! or Oh shit, your pregnant! What to do next?! 1. Schedule an appointment for a blood test. If you’ve missed your period and have taken several over the counter pregnancy tests, and results show a positive line, best thing to do is take a blood test. Contact your doctor or local clinic to schedule……

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Best Ever Parenting Advice!

During my pregnancy, I found that anyone and everyone wanted to give my husband and I parenting advice. We listened with open ears because we knew nothing else at the time. Oh some were none sense and hilarious of course. Strangers predicting the sex of our baby, due to how high or low I was……

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