Category: Pregnancy (page 3 of 5)

Latch On Latch Off, Breastfeeding My Newborn

When I was about 30 weeks pregnant, I took it upon myself to go to a La Leche League meeting. I was already reading several breastfeeding books, watching videos online on how to nurse a newborn, and techniques on helping your baby latch. Therefore, I wanted to attend a meeting to get a better look……

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Postpartum Tender Loving Care Guide

We women, are wonderful creatures! We birth human beings :] After giving birth, I was surprised on how my body healed itself. Don’t get me wrong, I felt like shit afterwards and really didn’t want to stand up to go to the bathroom, for fear of breaking my stitches. However, that all passes after a……

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Baby Registry: What you do and don’t need?

Ah so many baby stuffs! During my pregnancy, I was overwhelmed by all the baby gear that was out there.  Baby clothes, strollers, car seats, toys, cribs, bottles, diapers, breastfeeding items, etc. Rather than thinking of what we needed, I should of asked myself, “What don’t we need?” Don’t get me wrong, all the countless……

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