Category: Parenting (page 5 of 6)

This is Happy.

As a parent, you take for granted the small happy moments. Your days seem to be a blur, when you have newborn/baby/toddler/child constantly wanting your attention. Just remember on these busy, chaotic, and stressful days, to try and take a step back. Breathe. Be present and happy.     Happy Friday! 🙂

The struggle is real on weekends

I found this video and thought it was quite inspirational for all the mammas out there (dads too)! Keep up the hard work ladies and gents, its all for the greater good. Happy Weekend 🙂

“This is Real. This is us.”

“This is Real. This is us.” ~Nadine Burke Harris I stumbled upon this video earlier today. Its brutal honesty about childhood trauma has ignited an old scar for me. As a child, I was surrounded by what seemed like endless negativity. There were some happy  moments of course, but what stuck were the mental wounds……

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