Category: Parenting (page 4 of 6)

My Mommy Sanity through P.L.A.Y.

Before becoming a mother, I buried myself in work. I had 3 jobs and barely got time off. I was working over 40 hours a week, and still worked full time right before I gave birth. I was pretty much a workaholic and I took pride in keeping myself busy. So when I found out I……

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SUPER Informative, Baby charts galore for new parents!

Yes! I am not embarrassed to say that I have googled a number of how to’s on changing a diaper correctly, bathing a newborn, and breastfeeding, etc. It’s all part of becoming a new parent. Plus, there’s only so much those birthing and Lamaze classes can teach you. Since sharing is caring!  I narrowed it down……

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Hello sick days

Hello coughing, sneezing,  and nasal congestion.  Sick days are no fun when you’re a parent.  Especially, when you just got done nursing your little one and she’s fast asleep on your arm… But then all of a sudden you need to sneeze or cough. So with my minimal time to myself, I’ve collected these accurate……

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