Category: New Mom (page 4 of 9)

4 Helpful Parenting Style Charts

So being a parent is a continuous learning process for me. Everyone can seem to have their own opinion on different parenting styles.  In reality, I’ve found that doing your OWN research is always what helps determine what will work for you and your family. I have found these 4 helpful parenting style charts to……

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Quick Update & Breastfeeding Tips: 5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Milk Supply

I know I have been MIA for a bit, but I have a good reason. Our baby girl is approaching her half year mark! She is teething, just started eating pureed foods, and apparently wants to start walking now.  Therefore, I have to keep my eyes on on her, like a hawk. Not to mention……

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Not Your Mama’s Nursery Rhymes

No offense to the old school, Jack and Jill went up the hill nursery rhymes, but I think it’s more fun to sing some classics to your little one. It’ll eventually expand they’re vocabulary and what better way to teach them early on what good music is! So ditch that iPhone/iPad/Android and sing to your……

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